Practice: "repeated exercise in or performance of an activity or skill so as to acquire or maintain proficiency in it."
Are you someone who practices Reiki (a Reiki practitioner) or someone who has taken a Reiki class but not incorporating into your life?
Many people feel that the daily practice is only important for the first 21 days after their attunement. Yes, this is very important because during this time your body is becoming accustomed and adjusted to the Reiki energy as well as creating and developing your Reiki channel. It takes 21 days to form a habit. During the first 21 days it is also vital to drink lots of water and get sufficient sleep as the body is going through a period of detoxification.
Reiki is a spiritual practice, not just a certification. Integrate Reiki into your life.
Practicing Reiki on a daily basis keeps us close to our Reiki practice and keeps our channel strong and clear. We develop a deeper awareness of the energy and how it works. Reiki can be very subtle so we may not realize all the changes taking place until we look back.
We all know the saying, “you can’t help others until you help yourself.”
Besides the ones already mentioned, there are numerous reasons to foster a daily practice of self-Reiki treatments.
- Reiki accelerates progress on our path and creates opportunities to help our journey.
- Our energy level and vibration becomes much higher.
- Reiki promotes deep relaxation with reduced stress and anxiety.
- We are less likely to incur injuries or disease.
- Reiki enhances intellectual performance and focus.
- Reiki eases healing reactions.
- Reiki is a tool that helps us to gain a deeper understanding of who we are.
- Problems are not as big as they once were and solutions come more easily.
It doesn’t take much, 15 to 30 minutes. I find the best time is upon waking or just before falling asleep.
If you have let your Reiki practice slip by the wayside and need help getting started again, I offer Level I and Level II refresher classes.
Sterling Silver Reiki Symbol with Gemstone Chakra Stones Pendant from Buddha Groove
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