Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart.
If you are reading this blog, chances are you have embarked upon a spiritual path seeking to discover your authentic self and purpose in life. One powerful tool to help along the way is a spiritual journal. This post describes my definition of a spiritual journal; it is not the only way. Some keep a spiritual journal to record thoughts and inspirations as they read through religious scriptures.
“The act of putting pen to paper encourages pause for thought, this in turn makes us think more deeply about life, which helps us regain our equilibrium. ~Norbet Platt”
Why Keep a Spiritual Journal?
Keeping a spiritual journal allows you to see where you have been, where you are heading and also acts as a GPS of sorts. It is also a sacred place to recognize who you are. This type of journal also becomes the fertile soil where seeds of inspiration and intention are able to grow and manifest. Your journal is also a way to let the Universe know that you are paying attention to all the messages sent your way, it keeps the channel of communication open and flowing.
“Write down the thoughts of the moment. Those that come unsought for are commonly the most valuable.” ~Francis Bacon
How to Keep a Spiritual Journal.
A spiritual journal is very easy and fun to write in. For starters, you will want to find a blank journal or notebook, one that “feels right” and special to you. Some come with lined pages and some blank, the choice is yours. You might want to consider a journal with blank pages if you have an artistic streak waiting to show itself and wish to add drawings. Also find a writing instrument that you like, keeping in mind that pencil tends to fade after time.
Although your journal does not have to be written in every day, the more it is used, the more empowered it becomes. Your spiritual journal is not to be used as a place to “vent” emotions; it is vital to keep your entries positive and uplifting. If you wish to, keep a separate journal to record day-to-day feelings but do not read back what you have written in it. You do not want to add energy back into emotions that you have released.
“Journal writing is a voyage to the interior”~ Christina Baldwin
Make your time with your journal special. Consider setting aside a little time each evening before bed to write. Create sacred space; light a candle, allow yourself to be undisturbed and relax. Maybe keep a little notebook with you throughout the day to jot down ideas that you wish to enter into your journal; it’s easy to forget your thoughts during the day. A Moleskine Journal is perfect for this; they are study yet flexible so to feel comfortable in a pocket.
What to Write in Your Spiritual Journal
You want to record anything that happens to cause you skin to get the goosebumps or those “Ah ha” moments. Anything that stands out from the ordinary and has meaning to you. Some suggestions are as follows:
- inspirational and spiritual quotes
- passages from books
- dreams
- synchronicities
- intuitive messages
- meditations
- oracle or tarot card messages
- intentions and goals
- gratitude
A Valuable Tool
As you work with your journal, it becomes a road map to your life. Read it over periodically. Where have you been? What messages keep repeating themselves? Are you listening to your messages? What is manifesting from your intentions and goals?
If you encounter periods when there doesn’t appear to be much to write, are you being true to your authentic self? Have you stepped off your path? When we are in sync with the Universe and our heart’s desires, synchronicities and messages flow freely.